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Resolved an issue where Unfold3D Peel could crash when you were attempting to process an object that has no geometry data for which it can generate Texture Vertex information from. Buying with Autodesk. Open the installation folder after decompressing and click on the installation file. Frequently asked questions FAQs. Use 3ds Max as a compute engine to scale content production Extend built-in workflows with accessible APIs Accelerate manual steps to boost productivity What's New: Taking speed and security one step further Focused on workflow efficiency, easy-to-use texturing and rendering tools, and offering a safe and secure workspace environment, 3ds Max now has new rendering capabilities added to Arnold, a new Bake to Texture functionality, and enhanced features to popular modeling tools. Company overview US Site. For information on new features, see What's New in 3ds Max Get 3ds Max documentation, tutorials, downloads, and support. How to buy. What is 3ds Max?
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